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At Power of Words Coaching, there is a serious commitment to treating your information with care at all times. This duty of care is detailed in this statement to help explain why, when and how any personal data you submit is processed. 

  1. For the means of this statement and any further communications, ‘Personal Data’ means any information that has been submitted that makes it capable of identifying you as an individual. 

  2. By submitting your data, you confirm that you are over 18 years of age

What data is being collected and why?

You will need to provide requested personal data to receive POW Coaching services or associated third party offers, in order to begin and continue the process of us working together, or in order to receive information or updates for any mailing lists you have signed up for. This information can be collected in many different ways; when you go onto the website, completing a form, correspondence through both email or letter, and providing information on the phone or in person.


The information collected depends upon the services you require, and compulsory data that must be supplied is specified below:


POW Personal Coaching Enquiries:

  • Full name 

  • Email address 

  • Landline and/ or mobile phone number 

POW Personal Coaching Clients:

  • Full name 

  • Email address 

  • Landline and/or mobile phone number 

  • Postal address

  • Bank account details

POW Business Coaching Enquiries:

  • Full name 

  • Email address 

  • Landline and/or mobile phone number

  • Name of business

  • Job Title


POW Business Coaching Clients:

  • Full name*

  • Work email address*

  • Work landline and/or work mobile phone number*

  • Job Title*

  • Name of business 

  • Business postal address 

  • Organisations bank account details 


*= This information will only be collected for persons either receiving coaching services directly, and other employees involved in the service being delivered.

POW Training & Workshop Enquiries:

  • Full name

  • Work email address

  • Work landline and/or work mobile phone number 

  • Job Title

  • Name of business 

  • Business address 


POW Training & Workshop Clients:

  • Full name*

  • Work email address*

  • Work landline and/or work mobile phone number

  • Job Title*

  • Name of business 

  • Business postal address 

  • Organisations bank account details 


*= This information will only be collected for persons either receiving a service directly, and other employees involved in the service being delivered. 


You can decide what personal data is shared with POW Coaching  and third parties. If you choose not to provide required information essential to the provision of a service, you will not have access to that service. If you do not give consent for your information to be processed as part of a necessary service, you will not be able to sign up for that service. 

Consent for processing your personal information can be withdrawn at any time by contacting POW Coaching via email.

This information is processed because it is either necessary; in the performance of a contract entered into between us, to recover any payments due, or because it is in POW Coaching’s legitimate interests to do so.  

How Your Data Is Used


Your data will be used only in ways that are appropriate to the services being provided, such as, but not limited to; sending you information, making initial contact and continuing communication as required. For example, arranging sessions and locations, training programmes and talks, appointments and meetings.

Marketing and Third Parties:


This website may contain links to other third-party websites. Please note that any links that you may follow to these websites will have their own privacy policies, and POW Coaching does not accept any responsibility or liability for their policies or processing of your personal information.


Security of Your Data

Appropriate and reasonable security measures and precautions have been put in place to prevent your personal data being lost, altered, misused or accessed in any unauthorised way, with all forms of identification and payment kept in password protected files.

Across all services offered, emails and teleconferencing will be the most frequently used means of communication between us. Although systems and communications are protected against viruses, POW Coaching does not bear responsibility of guaranteeing these systems as being 100% secure or virus free, and you accept this limitation regarding protection of your personal data. POW Coaching does use encrypted email, however for communication to take place this would require the client to have a compatible secure email account.

Retention of Your Data

Enquiry forms / Contact forms: Once you submit your information via the online enquiry form, paper contact form, or directly sending your enquiry via email, then attempts will be made to contact you. Your data will be deleted after 30 days of you supplying your personal information if there is no response to any of these communication attempts.

Becoming A Client: If you have become a client and/or received a service you will be contacted 12 months after the last contact to find out if you are still happy to have your personal information stored, and to continue to receive any updates and marketing that you are subscribed to receive. If consent is given your data will be stored for a further 12 months and the process will be repeated after this time. If there is no response within 30 days to a request, the details that identify you as an individual will be deleted from the system to anonymise your information in order for a record to be kept that a service was delivered.

If you wish to unsubscribe from a mailing list, or generally no longer want your data to be stored at any point, this request will be completed within 30 days of receiving a written request / notification of a request to unsubscribe. This request of removal of consent of your data will only be processed if it is not in conflict with it being necessary in performance of a contract.

Sharing Your Data

Your data and your confidentiality is of the upmost importance and it will not be sold, shared, or distributed to any third parties unless you have given written permission for this to happen, or unless required by law.

Knowing Your Rights

It’s important that you understand what rights you have regarding personal information you have submitted. Under the GDPR 2018 this includes:

  • The right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data

  • The right to request access to your personal data.

  • The right to have inaccurate personal data rectified, or completed if it is incomplete

  • The right to have your personal data erased, also known as ‘the right to be forgotten’

  • The right to request the restriction or suppression of your personal data. This is not an absolute right and only applies in certain circumstances.

  • The right to data portability, which allows you to obtain and reuse your personal data for your own purposes across different services

  • The right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances.

Please access the full breakdown of each of these rights at to ensure you fully understand what they each cover and that any request you make is compliant with those guidelines.

If you do wish to exercise any of your rights set out above, please email and every effort will be made to respond to legitimate requests within one month. 

The legal basis for processing your data

The law requires me to tell you the basis on which I am asking for and processing your data. These are explained under the following headings:

Necessary in the performance of a contract:

  • Where a contract or an agreement is required you will not be able to opt out of providing this information, as without this personal data I would not be able to deliver on the service that has been requested and agreed to take place.

Legitimate interests:

  • The law allows for me to process your data if it is in my legitimate interests to do so, but only so long as it does not disproportionately affect your privacy rights, cause you any harm or is overly intrusive.

My legitimate interests are:

  • Communicating with clients and potential clients and supporters regarding current and new services that are available, and keeping the afore mentioned up-to-date regarding this.


  • Ensuring that my services meet the needs of my clients and potential clients, and in order to respond adequately to enquiries.


Consent: You will be asked for your consent regarding processing your information in instances such as marketing and related to third parties, and you can withdraw this consent at any time you choose.

This Privacy Notice is in place to comply with the Data Protection Act (DPA 2018) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2018).

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