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POW Coaching Disclaimer & Terms and Conditions

A coaching relationship is a partnership (defined as an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between the Coach, and yourself as the Client. It is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize personal and professional potential. It is designed to facilitate the creation/development of your personal, professional or business goals and for you to develop and carry out a strategy or plan for achieving those goals.

As an ACTP ICF trained coach, I’m skilled to support and challenge you through guidance, incisive questioning, motivation, encouragement, and advice where suitable, as we go on your self-reflection and development journey together. Once the initial consultation has taken place, and prior to making a payment for any sessions, you will be required to read and sign the Coaching Agreement, of which the below Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions points are included.


Coaching Disclaimer

As the client in receipt of the coaching services offered;


  • I understand that I am solely responsible for creating and implementing my own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions during my coaching sessions, as well as any results arising out of or resulting from the coaching relationship and my coaching calls and interactions with the Coach. 


  • I understand that I have full ability to give my informed consent, and this pertains not only to agreeing for my coach to assist me in achieving my goals, but also all issues, ideas, suggestions and actions agreed upon throughout the entirety of the coaching services agreed. Furthermore, I understand my Coach is not and will not be liable or responsible for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided. Results in any field in which coaching is being delivered to support the agreed upon goals, are not guaranteed. 


  • I understand that coaching is a comprehensive process that may involve different areas of my life, including work, finances, health, relationships, education and recreation, of which these may be discussed in addition to topics/results/outcomes/goals originally outlined at the start of the coaching relationship, and I decide how to handle these issues, incorporate coaching principles into those areas and implementing choices as exclusively my responsibility. 


  • I understand that coaching does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders, as defined by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for counselling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other qualified professionals, and does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease. I also understand that my Coach is not acting as a mental health counsellor or a medical professional and that I have exclusive responsibility to seek such independent professional guidance as needed. 


  • I understand that if I am currently under the care of a mental health professional, and it has been discussed and agreed between the Coach and myself that the coaching relationship is deemed appropriate to take place and/or continue within this context, it is recommended that I promptly inform my mental health care provider of the nature and extent of the coaching relationship.   


  • I understand that the coaching profession is still currently an unregulated and unlicensed UK and global industry. I understand that my coach is a member of the International Coaching Federation (“ICF”), and as such agrees to abide by and maintain the ethics and standards of behaviour established by the ICF during any coaching consultation, and additional sessions or programmes agreed upon.


  • I understand that according to the ethics of the coaching profession, topics I discuss in sessions may be anonymously and hypothetically shared with other coaching professionals for training, supervision, mentoring, evaluation, and for coach professional development and/or consultation purposes. 


  • I understand that, pertaining to confidentiality, during this coaching relationship, as well as all information (documented or verbal) that I share with the Coach as part of this relationship, is bound by the principles of confidentiality set forth in the ICF Code of Ethics, and the Coach will not disclose my name as a reference without my consent. However, I am aware that the Coach-Client relationship is not considered a legally confidential relationship (like the medical and legal professions) and thus communications are not subject to the protection of any legally recognized privilege. 


  • I understand that confidential information does not include information that: (a) was in the Coach’s possession prior to its being furnished by myself; (b) is generally known to the public or in my industry; (c) is obtained by the Coach from a third party, without breach of any obligation to myself; (d) is independently developed by the Coach without use of or reference to my confidential information; or (e) the Coach is required by UK law, a lawfully issued witness summons, or by court order to disclose; (f) is disclosed to the Coach and as a result of such disclosure the Coach reasonably believes there to be an imminent or likely risk of danger or harm to myself or others; and (g) involves illegal activity or a crime having been committed. I also acknowledge my continuing obligation to raise any confidentiality questions or concerns with the Coach in a timely manner.  


  • I understand that in order to enhance the coaching relationship, I agree to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance and to create the time and energy to participate fully in the program. 



Terms and Conditions:


Session Format and Delivery


The format of the sessions – either face to face, via skype or telephone - will be agreed upon during the consultation meeting. In instances where a change in format of the sessions is required that differs from the original agreement, this shall be mutually agreed upon and confirmed by the coach in writing via either email or letter to you. 

The date and times of each session will be agreed by the Coach and yourself, and confirmation will be sent to you by the coach via either email or letter. Any changes to date and times of a session can be arranged, but this must be in accordance with the sections titled ‘Re-arranging and Cancellation of Sessions & Refunds’ and ‘Fee Forfeit’ within these Terms & Conditions.

The coach will be available to you by e-mail and voicemail in between scheduled sessions as defined by the Coach during your consultation meeting together. The Coach may also be available for additional time, per your request, on an agreed and signed prorated basis rate.

Once an original agreed upon package of sessions has been delivered, additional sessions can take place as agreed by the coach and yourself. These terms and conditions within the Coaching Agreement stipulated are applicable to any such sessions on both pay-as-you-go and as a new session package agreement. Session fees will remain the same as originally agreed except where the client is notified in writing or by letter or e-mail regarding a change to the fee.


The time of the coaching sessions will be determined by the Coach and yourself. You will initiate all scheduled telephone sessions and skype sessions. If the Coach will be at any other number for a scheduled call you will be notified prior to the scheduled session time. 

Any further sessions you would like to have, in addition to those originally arranged upon and completed, can take place as agreed by you and the Coach, and will be subject to the signed Coaching Agreement in its entirety. As such, session fees will remain as originally agreed, except where you are notified by letter or e-mail by the Coach regarding any fee change, which will happen in advance of any of the stipulated additional sessions being confirmed.



Session Fees & Payment

All fees, from both Business and Personal Coaching clients and organisations, will be agreed upon during the consultation meeting. 

Where applicable, any travel and accommodation costs incurred will also be applied on top of agreed upon coaching fees. In such instances these additional costs will be agreed upon during the consultation meeting.

POW Personal Coaching:

  • Payment for six session package: Three sessions paid for in first installment at least 72 hours in advance of the first session, and a review at the midway point of the programme, before paying for second installment of final three sessions.

  • Payment for nine and twelve session package: Three sessions paid for in first installment at least 72 hours in advance of the first session, and a review at this point of the programme. Subsequent payments occur in increments of three sessions pending each review point.

POW Business Coaching:

  • For all business coaching the fee for the bespoke package agreed must be paid in full by the organization within 30 days upon receipt of invoice, unless an alternative payment plan is formally agreed.


Re-arranging and Cancellation of Sessions & Refunds

It is your responsibility to notify the Coach at least 48 hours in advance of the scheduled calls/meetings if cancellation or re-arranging a session day and/or time is required.


In circumstances in which the Coach may need to rearrange a session you will be given at least 48 hours’ notice where possible and practical.


POW Personal Coaching:

  • If you have paid for a package of sessions and decide you no longer need /no longer able to continue, you will be reimbursed for any sessions paid in advance that have not been used. However, if you cancel your remaining package within the 48-hour notice period of your next scheduled session you will not be refunded for that session. This also is inclusive of the first session.

POW Business Coaching:

  • If re-arranging a session is required, this must occur within at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled session taking place. Any cancellations, ‘no shows’ or requests that occur within this notice period will not be refunded. This also is inclusive of the first session. The Organisation will not be refunded for the session, and will subsequently be charged using a prorated basis from the agreed Coaching Agreement total fee.  


  • The Organisation will be reimbursed on a prorated basis for sessions paid in advance that have not been used, except in circumstances stipulated above where the cancellation takes place within the 48-hour period of the next scheduled session.




Fee Forfeit

For POW Personal Coaching services. all pre-paid session fees will be forfeited if they do not take place within the below timescales:

  • Six session package: All sessions must take place within four months of first session being held. First session must take place within two weeks of initial payment being received.

  • Nine session package: All sessions must take place within six months of first session being held. First session must take place within two weeks of initial payment being received.

  • Twelve session package: All sessions must take place within nine months of first session being held. First session must take place within two weeks of initial payment being received.



Termination of Coaching

You may terminate or discontinue the coaching relationship in its entirety at any time, through written notice to the coach. Please note that the sections titled ‘Rearranging and Cancellation of Sessions & Refunds’ and ‘Fee Forfeit’ within these Terms & Conditions are still applicable.


The Coach also reserves the right to terminate or discontinue the coaching relationship in its entirety at any time, through written notice. Such examples of reasons for this could include a conflict of interest that has arisen or could arise, inappropriate behavior by yourself as the client, an illness or a bereavement. The section titled ‘Rearranging and Cancellation of Sessions & Refunds’ within these Terms & Conditions will be adhered to in any such instances where it is necessary to end the coaching relationship.


In any instance in which the Coach deems prior or during any of the sessions that coaching is not the appropriate step for you at this time, and that you would be better placed to be receiving support from a trained mental health professional, the Coach reserves the right, based on the ethical duty to you as the client, to cancel any further sessions and help signpost you on to such an above mentioned professional. As a client who agrees they are of sound mind and are able to make their own informed decisions and choice prior to and during the coaching sessions, it is your responsibility to decide whether or not to act on the signposting advice that has been suggested by the Coach. If this situation were to occur, you will receive a full refund of any sessions that have been paid for in advance but that have not yet taken place. 



Methods of Payment

Acceptable methods for paying for the agreed upon coaching services are;

  • PayPal – both credit and debit cards accepted

  • Bank transfer

  • Standing order (only applicable for POW personal coaching packages)

Upon receiving agreed payment fee, a receipt will be issued and sent to you via email, unless another means is otherwise requested.


Once payment has been received and a receipt has been issued, this is the point at which session(s)s are confirmed, and pre-arranged dates for sessions to take place will be officially booked in. Up until receipt of payment session times are not confirmed and these appointment slots can be taken by other clients.


If payment has not been received at least 72 hours in advance of the first session taking place, the Coach is under no obligation to provide the session, and provisional dates of the agreed upon sessions / package may be cancelled until payment is received. New session dates and times will be agreed in instances where the original appointment slots are no longer available.


Protecting Your Personal Information

For details regarding your personal information and data that is acquired or shared, and the data retention period after the coaching relationship or other services has ended, please click here, which will take you directly to the website’s Privacy Statement.

Security of Communications


During sessions, as well as any communication in-between sessions and after an agreed coaching relationship has come to an end, in any instance where technology is used (including email, text, phone calls, skype and other technology and apps used in providing the service by the coach), these methods of communication cannot always be guaranteed as secure and you accept the risks to confidentiality around this limitation.


Limited liability:

Except as expressly provided in the Coaching Agreement, the Coach makes no guarantees, representations or warranties of any kind or nature, express or implied with respect to the coaching services negotiated, agreed upon and rendered. In no event shall the Coach be liable to the Client for any indirect, consequential or special damages. Notwithstanding any damages that the Client may incur, the Coach’s entire liability under these Terms and Conditions of the Coaching Agreement, and the Client’s exclusive remedy, shall be limited to the amount actually paid by the Client to the Coach under this Agreement for all coaching services rendered through and including the termination date.  

Client releases, waives, acquits and forever discharges the Coach, any agents, successors, assigns, personal representatives, executors, heirs and employees from every claim, suit action, demand or right to compensation for damages Client may claim to have or that may arise out of acts or omissions by Client or Coach as a result of the advice given by the Coach or otherwise resulting from the coaching relationship contemplated by this agreement.

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